About us
Sihing Gray has been training martial arts from the age of 7, first starting his journey in Karate. He has trained in various lineages of Wing Chun before luckily finding Sifu Philip Chan and falling in love with the Chu Shong Tin style of Wing Chun. Being highly active in the Chu Shong Tin lineage community, Gray has travelled to both Australia and Hong Kong to learn from high level instructors. He has also founded a successful online Chu Shong Tin discussion community via Facebook to strengthen our Wing Chun community. Gray is also active in seeking out and attending seminars of Wing Chun sifus from other lineages as well as teachers of other martial arts. Having lived in Japan for close to 10 years, Gray also has a background in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Taiji and Aunkai. Currently Gray's interests lie firmly within the field of internal martial arts which drives him to deepen his understanding of Chu Shong Tin Wing Chun, as well as other internal arts such as Aunkai and Taiji Quan.
Gray Gillespie
Philip Chan has a long background in martial arts, originally starting his journey in a hard style of Karate. Sifu Philip was later fortunate enough to meet his sifu, Joe Chan. Sigung Jo Chan was a dedicated disciple of Grand Master Chu Shong Tin and was well known for his relentless and dedicated practice. Upon meeting his sifu, Sifu Philip was amazed by the skill and power of Sigung Jo Chan, who was very small in stature. For the last 20 years, Philip has dedicated himself to teaching small closed sessions as this was the way he was taught and the way many people learned Wing Chun traditionally. Under much encouragement from his students, Sifu Philip has agreed to open his sessions to the public so that many more people can benefit from the beauty and profundity of true Wing Chun.
Philip Chan